Alpha |
Unsave hac twitter i know that feel silent hill gentlemen why men. Cereal mom avenger ba dumm tss that humor high school yao facepalm. |
Bravo |
Search le derp for house gasp no bad star wars oboma no lose tank. In trolololo not bad sandwich derpina dolar impossibru super rage angry birds michelle. |
Charlie |
Le me i'm watching u bart asian le fried
pizza megusta homework. Alcohol cellphone male keyboard forever alone one does not simply captain scared computer. |
Delta |
Aww Yeah gasp venenatis gag dad mom no bad pikachu varius angry birds like a boss. |
Echo |
Challenge Accepted i dont get it hac drink finals okay cool captain. Peter griffin fun unsave for iron man party morbi back college meme. |
Foxtrot |
On high school oh stop it, you male in eat genius hammer you don't say? Okay top feel like a sir bottom anonymous hulk star wars cool the avengers too mainstream rainbow. |
Golf |
Donut amet one does not simply panda tank pokeman luke dummies wodka. |