1. Sell all your shares and receive cash. The cash value
that you receive is calculated according to a formula,
and it depends on the share price at which the shares
are sold (the share price changes from minute to
minute, so this can be difficult to predict). You will
receive the amount of money calculated in terms of this
formula minus the tax that you must pay and the costs
that are incurred in selling the shares.
2. Receive all your shares. Even if you receive shares
instead of cash, you will have to pay tax. If you decide to
keep all of the shares that you are entitled to, then you
will have to pay the tax out of your own pocket. This
means that you will have to pay the value of the tax that
you owe directly to SARS.
3. Sell a portion of your shares to pay tax, keep the
rest of the shares. With this option, rather than you
having to pay cash for the tax that you owe on your
shares, you will sell some of your shares and use the
money that you get from this sale of shares to pay the
tax that you owe.
Beneficiaries will be given two opportunities to decide what they would like to do with their ESOP shares, one
in February 2018 and again in February 2019. You must make a decision (an election) in October/November